now i will be strong for you. i can. you will stay in my thoughts and you will shine. i know. focus on the little things. the smell of your coffee, the feeling of the sun on your face. the wind in your hair. the taste of your first sip of wine. the warmth of your lover's hand. the feeling and sound of the ground under your feet ... tarmac ... carpet ... tile ... rubber ... linoleum ... sand .... grass. the happy din of knives and forks on a plate. the sound of bees—even the memory of them. the color of the sky at dawn. at noon. at dusk. at night. the happy wrinkles in the corners of smiling eyes. the long embrace of an old friend. the light massage of shower water on your back. the smoothness of soap. the buzz of a crowd. linger on these little things and let them move you. they can be a joy in and of themselves. let the other big stuff take a sort of back seat. and know i will be strong for you, as you have been for me. because i can.
Imagine your face here. |
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