
charlie's cure (video)

When Calvin was four years old, after five drugs and one dietary therapy had failed to control his seizures, we decided to try him on the restrictive, rigorous Ketogenic diet. I called the Charlie Foundation asking them to recommend a medical team who could facilitate the diet. Jim Abrahams called me back and told me his story. It was compelling, it was heart wrenching and it was full of hope.

If you can't view the video, please click HERE.

More on the Ketogenic diet at The Charlie Foundation.


  1. You know, Charlie is just a bit older than Sophie and I've worked with his father out here in LA. They're remarkable people -- all of them. I first heard about the keto diet when I read about Charlie in People Magazine in 1995. Seems like another life --

  2. jim and i have become friends and talk on the phone once in a while. he is lovely, remarkable as you say. xoxoox
