
brain surgery

One of my regular readers who has epilepsy, a college student, wrote in kind agreement with me recently about the things people say—seemingly innocuous remarks—that cause us to pause and consider how strange our lives are in the face of living with epilepsy. She said:

During my freshman year when I was deciding whether to have half of my right temporal lobe removed, two different people asked me if I was all right (maybe my once-a-week trips to Boston, bloodshot eyes, or piles of make-up work in the 24-hour room at the library were giveaways.) On both of these occasions I didn't really want to go into it and responded that I was just kind of stressed out about this or that paper. "You'll be fine, it's not brain surgery," they responded.

Sadly, for some people with epilepsy, brain surgery is a serious, risky reality—often a last resort—and even then, sometimes it doesn't pay off.

Little Bennett's brain surgery

1 comment:

  1. Exactly brain surgery is very complex, serious, complex and often lead to last resort. Very awful story to read about little Bennett's brain surgery. Thank you so much for such informative blog. traumatic brain injury
