
cautiously optimistic

Lately I am feeling cautiously optimistic about the promise of Palmetto Harmony, the new CBD cannabis oil we started giving to Calvin a few weeks ago. We had discontinued a different CBD oil several months ago thinking it might have been exacerbating Calvin's complex partial seizures. But in a slight a panic over more frequent grand mals of late, I remembered hearing years ago that finding the right strain of cannabis can sometimes take a bit of trial and error.

Since Calvin's first dose of Palmetto Harmony, Calvin has consistently slept more soundly and had an easier time of falling asleep. He has also been calmer and is smiling more. The most profound effect I've witnessed was a couple of days ago when he exhibited almost every one of his seizure harbingers—eye poking, extreme agitation, mania, restlessness, dreadful butt rash, completely amped up behavior, repetitive humming, pacing, mad finger-stimming, dropping down, shrieking, warm skin. Suspecting an impeding seizure, I increased his CBD oil, which we give him only at bedtime. Calvin was asleep within half an hour; the seizure never transpired. The next day Calvin was back to baseline and has been a pleasure to be with since.

So, though it is still too soon to tell, I am cautiously optimistic that this new CBD oil is working to calm Calvin's brain and body. Hopefully it will help to reduce his seizures, but if nothing else, at least I can delight in a few days of a compliant, fairly calm, happy child.

With his Gpa last year ... Calvin's looking more like this of late.

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